Driving Forces, Emotional Intelligence, and Behavior. This episode takes some of the best practices you can develop to communicate better and more clearly with co-workers, family, and others. With the help of Tammy Ebright, we get a first-hand look at Tim’s very own results in an uncensored and unrehearsed fashion. The intention is to gain better communication and emotional intelligence skills, It a great look at Tammy’s work, talents, and business through the lens Inside Look at insights from the DISC Profile Tool

Tammy Ebright
Tammy Ebright is the founder of Unleash Your Amazing, her mission is to create more awareness through self-discovery to heal our communities from toxic behaviors.
She holds multiple certifications and can blend several sciences to help you truly understand where you are today. She then works with you to set goals and create your custom action plan that gets you the results and transformation you desire. Helping you unleash your amazing life.
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Show Transcript from Driving Forces, Emotional Intelligence, and Better Communication
Tim Kubiak 0:01
Have you ever wondered how you can better communicate with people, understand yourself more and recognize your own emotions inside of situations. Today, I’m joined by Kamiya bright, She’s the founder of unleash your amazing her mission is to create more awareness through self discovery to heal our communities from toxic behaviors. I’ll tell you, we’re going to go through my results, pull no punches, sight unseen. And I, I will admit that I read the initial results. And I actually recognize some of my own reactions in already without having talked to Tammy. So I understand the power of it. Can we thanks so much for being here. Can you tell us a little more about yourself and what you do?
Tammy Ebright 0:39
Thanks, Tim, thanks for having me. I’m excited to share this information and help help you understand your report a little bit better. I got started teaching this after having some life challenges myself, and leaning into a sales training organization that had a really big focus on disk and driving forces. And that’s where I began getting a baseline about seven years ago now. And when I decided to start my own business, one of the first things I did was get certified in some of the sciences that had really helped me personally grow.
Tim Kubiak 1:22
So can you explain a little bit more about what disc is for people that aren’t familiar with it.
Tammy Ebright 1:28
So disc is how we prefer to communicate, it is an observable language. And once you really begin understanding it, you can watch people like at parks or at shopping centers, and begin to really become aware of how they would prefer to be communicated with because again, it’s an observable language of communication.
Tim Kubiak 1:52
So one of the things that just in getting ready to speak to you today, if I understand this right disk has continued to evolve as a scientist evolve. So it’s not a static system. That’s been the same since the beginning. Is that accurate?
Tammy Ebright 2:05
Yeah. So and then that is a big different differentiator, too, is the assessment that you get is really important to be able to get the most accurate results, because a lot of people are out there teaching disc, but it’s, you know, based on the initial principles that that it was defined with, you know, several years ago by Marston as it evolved with the science through the years, and now the company that I use the assessment, the provider actually looks at the highs and the lows of how we communicate to get more accurate results. And
Tim Kubiak 2:53
the tools designed to be used by individuals, for people with their sales teams, and for managers to understand how to communicate with their employees. Is that my strong point?
Tammy Ebright 3:04
Yeah, that is, uh huh.
Tim Kubiak 3:06
So I’ll share with you I sent it out to my business partner and a couple other people at the end. But if you don’t mind, let’s just kind of jump into what it is jump into some of my results and just talk through and if that works for you.
Tammy Ebright 3:18
Okay, that sounds good. I’m gonna go ahead and share my screen. So see, does that share Okay,
Unknown Speaker 3:25
yep, it’s perfect.
Tammy Ebright 3:27
Okay, so today, we’re actually going to talk a little bit about disk, which again, is the observable language of communication, driving forces, which is a motivator. So why do you get out of bed each day what’s important to you, and then emotional, potent emotional intelligence, which is our, our emotional response to what’s going on in, in our environment. And the one science that really is the most changeable is the EQ emotional intelligence. So But first, let’s talk a little bit about your personal disk. So disk is an acronym, an acronym, acronym. That stands for D is like dominance. And it’s how we solve problems and challenges. So the higher D, and your D is fairly high, it’s at 80 points here, or 78. And so you probably tend to solve problems in a pretty straightforward, quick manner, where the lower D will need more time to solve problems. They’re still great problem solvers, but they’re going to take their time to do it. And they’re going to need more information. That AI is start stands for influence, and it’s how you influence other people to your point of view. And so the higher the eyes, the more wordy and social they’ll tend to be where the lower I will tell To be more reflective, the S stands for steadiness. And so it’s the pace of the environment that we prefer. So the higher s prefers a really fast paced environment where the I’m sorry that the lower s prefers a faster paced environment, the higher s actually prefers a pretty steady, consistent pace. And this C is about compliance, it’s rules and procedures that are set by others. And the higher you are, the more you really respect and prefer rules and procedures, and to kind of know all the information and to get lots of information. And the lower seat prefers to, you know, make quicker decisions. All right, and doesn’t need as much information.
Tim Kubiak 5:50
So I’m just going to use my results as an example. So when I write when I saw where I ranked on the dominant scale, it doesn’t surprise me in previous tests, I’d been driver driver and everything at that end of the chart with other methodologies. And so I sent this off to some people and they’re like, yep, you, you, you will listen. And then whether it’s your idea or not, you’ll decide on the best thing, and we’re just going, it’s over. So, so I thought that was interesting. Is that a typical? You know, that kind of range where just make a decision and go?
Tammy Ebright 6:26
Yes, well, and then when you pull in your results, and we want to look at your motivators to so your driving forces, so commanding is your number one, motivator, and driving force. So you tend so that along with the D will tend to be definitely quicker decisions, leadership, you know, it’s my way or the highway could be somehow some of the characteristics that that you feel. And what I thought was really interesting when I was looking at your driving forces results is you actually it looks like you’re pulling from six of the six out of 12 of the driving forces. And so I don’t have all of them on the screen here. But your commanding driving force will be pretty, what’s considered. It’s not extreme, but it’s passionate. So you’re passionately commanding. When you look over here at the indifferent with the collaborative, which would be the opposite of that, you tend to maybe not be that collaborative. Is that correct?
Tim Kubiak 7:43
Well, you know, it’s interesting. So I actually looked at it through two lenses. When it’s getting to an end result, I think I’m actually super collaborative. And it doesn’t need to be my idea. But I’m a sales leader for 30 years. Yeah, and the number is the number is the number. So do I, if we get to that number, I’m willing to be absolutely collaborative, right to get to the number, but the number is what it is. And so I found myself wrestling with that a little bit to be honest.
well, tell me more about that.
So, you know, I know I’ve realigned territories, I’ve rebuilt comp plans, I’ve rebuilt customer segmentations, all based on people’s input of what was best for them and for the business and for the customer. Right. And there were ideas that never happened, actually, it’s one of my hallmarks is to be able to go in, look at what has worked, what, what hasn’t worked, collect that information, and then frankly, build the structure to go forward. Now, once we say go, I am a go guy, right. But it was interesting to me that I didn’t rank, you know, higher and collaborative, because outside of the end, outcome, you know, I think that is actually one of the areas I always thought I did well at.
Tammy Ebright 8:57
Well, so collaborative tends to be more of people that are driven by being in a supporting role. So I can see that, like, when you are helping clients, it’s a different role. You may feel like you’re collaborative on it, but you know, because at the end of the day, they’re gonna make the decision for their business. And so that’s a little different than the standard collaboration where you’re working with your business partners, and you guys are coming to terms and making making decisions together.
Tim Kubiak 9:33
I’m every when you’re a hammer, everything’s a nail guy. And it’s okay, I know that I’ve actually said that.
Tammy Ebright 9:45
and so where you’re gonna want to be aware of that is when you’re working with people that are collaborative, because they For example, My daughter is actually she’s a higher D than I am. But she has that. And I’m commanding to, and but she is collaborative. And so what I would see from her is she would come to me and be like, you know, which outfit should I wear? And I can see her on like Instagram doing polls for people to get feedback. And I’m like, What D would I ever know that would be out there asking for somebody feedback on what you’re gonna wear, like that didn’t really understand until I tested her. And I can see that that collaborative, she needs people’s feedback. So when you’re working with somebody that’s collaborative, and that’s their value, giving them the feedback, when they ask you the questions, and not just brushing them off will be really important to make them feel good in this situation.
Tim Kubiak 10:57
Tammy Ebright 10:59
Yeah. And it I really had until I tested her, I had a harder time reading her just because that that one value was really throwing me off because she acts like a Heidi. But she wanted people’s opinions on things. And I was that just didn’t really resonate with me until I understood that that’s the collaboration piece. She She needs input, people that are collaborative want input for other people, because they’re trying to do what’s right for everybody.
Tim Kubiak 11:33
That’s interesting.
Tammy Ebright 11:34
Yeah. So when you look, go back up here, on the, these are the words. So when you’re taking the disc test, you’re actually answering the same 24 questions, and that are worded in different ways. So these would be the words that you picked more than others. Does anything about that stand out to you?
Tim Kubiak 11:59
No, I actually, I thought it was pretty dead on.
Tammy Ebright 12:03
Okay. And then the one thing that I noticed in your disk too, is you prefer more of an organized workspace, but right now you’re adapting down to, you know, maybe things aren’t as organized, does that have anything to do with like, what’s going on in our country right now, or?
Tim Kubiak 12:24
I’m launching two early stage companies, right. And so if you look at a typical corporate command and control, or even a company that’s at market, you already have processes, right? So my adapt, my adapting is, we’re still figuring out markets for two of my biggest clients, we’re still figuring out the messaging and everything with that. And some of that is I’m not at a point to hit that just go. So I think that certainly could be reflective of that, because I’m trying to learn space, I didn’t traditionally work in AI and machine learning. And I didn’t work in the app space, I’m an IT security and telecom and networking guy by trade, right. So being in those new spaces is required a whole new skill set whole new vocabulary, and frankly, trying to figure out what messaging resonates at the customer level.
Tammy Ebright 13:19
That makes a lot of sense.
Okay, so you know, your disc is kind of what it is you’re, you’re highly driven, but you’re also pretty analytical, which is not very surprising, a lot of sales leaders really are have that high D high see, a lot of incorporations especially that’s what a lot of people will look out for is somebody that is has that any awareness that I would recommend would probably just be in being aware of it and then socializing with the people because your sales teams tend to be more, you know, high D high or high, where they’re telling you the stories and stuff. So understanding that, that we’re nurturing people and we’re listening to them, even though our mind the high DS mind is like kind of really quickly moving on, those high eyes are going to want to tell lots of stories in the hi SS are going to need a little more nurturing. So making sure that you’re you’re also like, adapting your skills and to be able to meet their conversation needs would be just a recommendation.
Tim Kubiak 14:28
And it’s interesting. That’s one of the areas that frankly, even after reading the results on my own, I recognized that I was doing in some places, because you know, if you can give it to me in two sentences in a bullet point, or better, yeah, the sentence in two bullet points. I get it. And right and I’ll ask my questions from there. If you give it to me and a soliloquy, unless it’s a Shakespeare I probably tuned out.
Tammy Ebright 14:57
Yeah, that makes it makes a lot of sense. Understanding so what I tell people that when they’re they’re working with with a Heidi are like, tell me the end of the story first. If you can tell me the end of it, I might be able to like focus on the 500 squirrels that you’re going to hit as we’re going through. And then so when I’m dealing with somebody that likes to tell me lots of stories, I’m like, where are you? Can you tell me where you’re going first. And it’s just something that I do to make sure that I can also meet my own needs with communication, you know, so I can really pay attention and be present for people.
Tim Kubiak 15:40
It’s so funny you say that? Because I’ll be like, Okay, did we win the deal? Or not? Do you have the Pl? Okay, now you can tell me everything I just need to know yes or no, because I need to know what direction we’re going at the end.
Tammy Ebright 15:56
So back down, let’s look at your, your values, again, the driving forces. Okay, so another awareness. So all of your, your driving forces you’re very passionate about, like intentional. So intentional is the value where it’s people that are driven to help others for a specific purpose. So you see, probably how networking and people can kind of work together. But you’re not necessarily going to just help people just to be supportive, you’re going to help people with an intention behind helping them. And so again, just awareness on the other side of that, because you’re altruistic is that zero is making sure that the people that you’re working with that do value that that you are, are becoming aware of, of that. So it just helps to mediate any challenges. Because think about like disk is what we see above the surface. And our driving forces are motivators, or those are what’s down deep inside us. And that’s really where relationships fall apart is whenever our driving forces aren’t similar. And in working relationship, it’s important to have a full spectrum of the wheel on your teams. But when we’re dealing with people one on one, or even in romantic relationships, making sure that we value the same things is really important.
Tim Kubiak 17:28
Yeah, so those are interesting to me, because I’ll be honest, I looked at some of the questions, and I couldn’t, especially on empathy, right. And I knew they were, I knew that was an empathy answer. But it always went to the bottom of the list, because I’m like, well, there’s a number, there’s a process to get to the number. There’s this there’s collaboration, and then if somebody feels good, great, right, and, you know, and some of the questions, I’m just like, you know, and so there’s a real backstory here that maybe you’ll find humoring. So I went to a private Catholic High School, and I had to take a test of what kind of human being I was going to be in my senior year. My results, and I’m pretty open about this. My results were so disturbing, that the bishop said for people to speak to me about Did you do this on purpose? Right? I’m like, No, why? And I answered everything, even as an 18 year old kid, through the lens of guy who is going into business. Right, and it looks, I love that it was bad enough that the bishop sent representatives as my claim to fame at one point in life, right. But it was hysterical to me, because in a lot of ways, I’m still that same guy.
Tammy Ebright 18:36
And that’s an analytical part of your brain that’s really analyzing the information as you go through it, even when your test taking. Yep, yep. So the next one is a receptive, so people that are receptive, or they’re driven by creating new new paths and new things, versus the structured on the other side. And I don’t think that that is it’s not listed here on the indifferent. So it’s something that it placed you in in it on a situational, but I think that your score was still like six on the structured so you don’t really like people that say things like we have always done it this way. Could be a stressor for you, because you’re like
this is
this is 2021 time change. Yep,
you got it.
So just being aware, too, that some some things don’t always need to be changed. And looking at it from that perspective, because having the D in the receptive, you could tend to want to create new things and new systems, making sure that you’re also being aware of The system and how how it’s working. And maybe you don’t have to completely revamp it, maybe it’s just some tweaks that make it more efficient.
Tim Kubiak 20:08
So it’s interesting. So both professionally, and frankly, with my therapist, we I’ve had the conversation I’ve known for the last 10 years that I am not the type of person you put in charge is something that is working. I do my best, I build something you put me in something that doesn’t exist, or something that is truly broken. And they do it and I build it. And once it’s ticking and working for a little while, get me out of there. Because I know and I tell people this right up front, if it’s working, you don’t want me to touch it, because I will destroy it just to rebuild it. I know I’ll set fire to it. So give me a fire.
Tammy Ebright 20:49
That is cool. And it’s so great that you’re aware of that so that you can the gear meant to build.
Tim Kubiak 20:55
I’m meant to build a meant to restructure. And it took a while to get there because I couldn’t figure out if I look at my greatest unhappiness professionally. It’s when things were fine. And maybe I’m hitting the number and there’s no challenge. And I’m doing this and I’m making a lot of money. But I feel like I’m not you know, being challenged. I’m not being engaged, I lose interest. Oh, hey, well, if we took three of the four wheels off, let’s see what happens. Oh, now we get to fix it. So yeah, that makes perfect sense. And literally, it’s conversations I’ve had with HR and leadership. And as I said, I’m you know, with my therapist, as well now, like, I know that I don’t know how to change it, I don’t know that I want to
Tammy Ebright 21:38
Yeah, I can really resonate with that. That’s a really great way to put it. That’s one of my those are one of my top driving forces as well. And then next we have intellectual so intellectual are people that are driven to learn more information and get more knowledge and more knowledge, were the opposite in something that would be maybe a stressor for you, or people that are instinctive. And people are that are instinctive tend to want to Google things just to get the information they need. And they might like decide to do lots of googling and get get the information, get the information, and then they’re done and ready to move on where you need a lot of more information in order to be comfortable with it.
Tim Kubiak 22:26
Yeah, I I consume information all day, every day. Yeah.
Tammy Ebright 22:32
Yeah, I’m sure that’s really strong with you between the intellectual and then the high. And the high sea. Yeah. And so then we’re gonna move over to the emotional quotient piece. And so you have five EQ has five different quadrants. So you have your self awareness, which is the ability to recognize and understand your moods and emotions, and their effect that they have on other people. And you have your self regulation, which is the ability to regulate and control your impulses, when you’re triggered your motivation, which is a motivation to work that goes beyond monetary pleasures, just you really enjoy it. And then social awareness is the ability to understand the emotional makeup of others or empathy. And social regulation is building networks and the ability to regulate your emotions with other people. And so the things that we’re you want to like just have awareness around would be the self awareness and the social awareness, and making sure that you are just learning to understand yourself, and when you may be triggered, and it looks like you’re able to regulate your emotions, but when you’re triggered, it could be internally making you stressed. So journaling is a really great way to help with that.
And I’m gauging, like, in the report is, you know, this is like a 61 page report. But the report actually gives like, step by step, not step by step, but suggestions on what you can do. But another thing is just on a daily basis, you know, at the end of the day, was my How would I rate my day today from a scale of one to 10 you know, 10 being it was the best day ever one that it wasn’t and see, as you go through, you know, do this for a few weeks, you know, where are your emotions at and, and, and what were the triggers behind it, and just Being aware of that.
Tim Kubiak 25:04
So, again, fascinating for me, because I, for years, I’ve had people that were friends or peers that said, I know you, but I don’t really know anything about you. I’ve had people call me a dark horse. So the second category and EQ makes perfect sense. Because even in personal relationships, people say, you just don’t react, you don’t express anything. And I’m like, I have emotions, I think. Right? So that’s not a surprise. The self awareness, the mission, often for me, by my own, you know, admission, if you will, is the thing that you don’t Yeah, I’m gonna get to the mission. And I may not know what’s in the way, right. Take the hill, you know, whether you blow it up, walk over it, or dig through it. I don’t care. Right. Let’s get there. So it makes perfect sense, because I’m not self aware. motivations, not a shock.
Tammy Ebright 26:01
Yeah, your motivation is high, like 9098.
Tim Kubiak 26:05
Yeah. And there was a thing in there that it says I don’t do well, with boundaries, work life boundaries, right. And I’ve very transparent in the fact that I don’t write, when in doubt work. Right. It’s not that I don’t love people in my life and have other things, but when in work, you know, because for whatever reason, that’s what works for me.
Tammy Ebright 26:30
Yeah. And so, as I said, like, I feel like you’re pulling from all like, from half of the values. So resourceful ness would be something that you’re still pulling from, it’s probably still a primary, even though it’s not one of the top four. And which is that that work, you know, not necessarily having a work life balance, but people that are resourceful, like they really like to work, they tend to be more of a workaholic, it’s their hobby. And, I mean, I don’t see anything wrong with that, as long as you’re happy. You know, if that’s how you want to spend your hobby, your time off is still like thinking and growing and working, then by all means, do it. It’s, it’s when it’s not when it’s not productive, and it’s not healthy in our relationships, that it really you want to be aware of it.
Tim Kubiak 27:25
Yeah. And that’s, you know, that is you step back, and I’ve read enough stories, because as we’ve already determined, I consume too much information. Right, but I’ve read enough stories, and I’ve looked around and I look at some of the people that are workwise, the most successful people, and then you go work behind them at the wake of destruction in their personal lives. Right. And I can totally get that, because they’re probably way over here on the work scale. So
Tammy Ebright 27:58
was there anything that was on the report that you thought, Oh, I would like to know more about that? Or,
Tim Kubiak 28:06
you know, the one thing on the report, when I look, there was a bit in some of the readout that I may not make a decision to I had all the information, I found that a little bit baffling actually.
Tammy Ebright 28:19
Okay, well, that could be with your, the high C is analytical, so they need lots more information. So, um, you know, what I tell people when I’m doing training for salespeople is, you know, your C is think of the sea as somebody, like, anytime somebody is buying a house, it brings out their intimacy, they want to do an inspection report. And, you know, they want to know about the school districts and all this. So, you know, there’s going to be times that people are going to need lots more information, that the high D doesn’t necessarily give out on a regular basis that you’re pulling from both of those, you know, you’re pulling from the high D that doesn’t need a lot of information. And then the high C, that does need more information. So at times, people with a higher C can suffer from some analysis, paralysis. And then you bring in your intellectual value where you want more information, and you want to study and learn about things, those two things could be pulling in and those times that are like you don’t have enough of the right information to make a decision.
Tim Kubiak 29:36
So so let me turn this if you were looking to use this, not just as a salesperson, but to use it to understand your team better. Right. And the real backstory, and this is my first real job in my traditional industry. I took a test three months after I got the job, and it was almost like the high school story. The guy’s like you’re doing a great Job. This basically says you’re terrible human being right? It was, you know, it was all the analytical stuff, it was all the other stuff, it was probably lack of empathy. Right? And I’ve still got the results somewhere. And he came up to me said, If you taking this when you were supposed to, I’d have never hired you.
Tammy Ebright 30:17
Really? Yeah.
Tim Kubiak 30:19
Yeah, you know, and he was a MBA and organizational dynamics and stuff like that. So, you know, how I slipped through the cracks remains to be seen, but how would you use this? So let’s say I’m taking over a new team, and I want to understand the dynamics of the people in the team, and also communicate with them on the way I like to be communicated with and how do we meet in the middle? How can you use this in these types of assessments for that?
Tammy Ebright 30:46
Well, I’m
one it helps you to understand. First, you got to understand yourself to be able to understand others. And so then you when you have your team’s assessments, I actually can put them all on a team report. So you have all the information on one document, which is super helpful to be able to, like at a glance, see, okay, today I’m working with such and such, or these two people are having challenges working together, let’s look at the data and figure out where the challenges are coming from. Another thing that I can do is I can put two people side by side, and it shows Okay, this is how I prefer to, you know, this is how Tammy prefers to communicate, this is how Tim prefers to communicate. And when you work with them, you can say, Okay, well, how accurate is this? Like, what are the top three ways that you prefer to communicate, and you can really get to help your team to really feel heard, and also to guide them? Okay, so you’re going to be in sales, you know, you’re gonna need to be able to tell some stories sometimes to get people to open up to you some friendliness, and how can you do that in the best way, and I have some different tools that also Okay, so you’re a D, selling to the eye, this is what you want to do, you want to you know, let them share stories with you, you want to make sure you’re listening to them and, and encouraging feedback. And being patient. You know, if you are selling to another D, you need to make sure that they’re the one that’s winning, that they’re the one that is kind of taking charge, right? Like when you’re being sold as a DEA, you want to be in charge, right? Well, when you’re in the, in the sales part, you need to make sure that you’re letting them win because when they when you when
Tim Kubiak 32:41
people use this interdepartmental like sales and finance or sales and marketing and and how to improve relationships inside a company that way?
Tammy Ebright 32:50
Yes, yes. Because they’re so different, right? They’re the opposites. And, you know, I talked about this a lot, but even in families, my son is my opposite. So having the report and having the data on that and being able to be like, Okay, before I jump into something, I need to make sure that I’m asking him how his days going, you know, even though my mind that things really quickly, and I’m like, let’s get to business, no, slow down, slow down, be patient, you know, how’s your day What’s going on? Okay, this is what I need for you to put on your list to help me with because then he feels nurtured. And that’s a huge win. I want to raise my kids to be who they’re here to be not to, I expect them to be. And I think that the science really helped me a lot with that.
Unknown Speaker 33:45
Your background, you work a lot in the real estate and finance side of that industry. Can you talk about how folks have applied that to their business?
Tammy Ebright 33:55
Mm hmm. I worked with a mortgage originators but I’m helping them to understand, okay, so who is your ideal client? And typically, typically, our best referral partners are going to be really similar to us, because that’s the easiest relationships, people that you don’t really have to adapt into somebody else’s style. You can just, you know, you flow, right. Yeah, well, that’s all good and well, but if you want to grow your business, you have to be able to adapt into other people’s styles so that they feel more comfortable with you. And sometimes the people especially if you’re more of a, like a nurturer, you know, that hy s you know, the DS tend to be the the team leaders. And so you have the D up here that maybe has five or six different buyer’s agents on there. So getting that appointment is going to look different when you’re when you’re somebody At a different style, so understanding your own style, and then how to communicate better with the other styles is a really great way to build your business.
Tim Kubiak 35:11
So I want to kind of bring the two together. So how do you work that balance? And I know your son’s involved in the business, but how do you work the balance of what you know, from this in a personal way versus a professional life.
Tammy Ebright 35:25
so I’m, you know, my, I’m a high di, so personal relationships, and my referral partners all tend to be like an extension of my family, you know, friends and stuff. But, um, so I don’t see a huge I don’t see a huge disconnect in it. Honestly, I feel like if you can treat the people that you’re working with, as an extension of your family, and always like, work to make them feel seen and heard, then you’re going to win more deals in the end, just by being that way.
Tim Kubiak 36:04
So I’ll use my personal situation again. So in my case, in business, you’re right, I absolutely want to make every decision. But they also know him a hammer, sometimes on the rocket launcher or missile too. So my personal life, I tend to step back and go, yeah, doesn’t matter. What do you what do you want what works? Right? It drives people crazy, because they’re like, you never make a decision. No, I made 32,000 decisions today. I’m just not making this decision. Right. And for me, personally, that’s the toughest transition. Mm hmm. Right. Especially because, again, I know, if the minute I decide what we should do, that’s what I want to do.
Tammy Ebright 36:48
Now, like, Okay, let’s go.
Tim Kubiak 36:50
Okay, we said this, we’re going they’re getting a car. What do you mean, you need seven more minutes?
Tammy Ebright 36:55
Right? Yeah. And so at home, that’s a little, a little harder.
Tim Kubiak 37:00
It’s a hard balance. For me personally,
Tammy Ebright 37:02
yeah. It’s harder at home. And a lot of times, and what we tend to do in relationship is we find, you know, we’re, we’re attracted to that opposite of us. Right? And, and that’s just another room. We’re attracted to somebody that’s different than us. And so how do we make that relationship work better? When we’re, you know, when we’re, we want to be ourselves, because at home, you want to really be yourself, right? And that comes into making sure that your values are more aligned, I’m gonna have to go shut that off. I’m so sorry.
Tim Kubiak 37:48
Oh, you’re good. Go for it.
Tammy Ebright 38:08
So for whatever reason, I have a 145 alarm every day, even though I like turn my phone on silent and put it into the other room.
Think about that alarm?
Tim Kubiak 38:23
Oh, well. I have a bunch of alarms, I have no idea what they’re for. And they go off by the time it’s all good. So how would people what size companies typically engage you what says companies can benefit what you do?
Tammy Ebright 38:41
So I work with sales teams, that can be anywhere from, you know, five to 10 people up to I’ve done training for about 40 4050 people at a time where I come in, and I teach the disc and then I sit down with the sales manager to really help them to understand their people, give them all the data, and how to read the data so that they’re able to motivate their people in a way that really helps them to grow and be productive, get results.
Tim Kubiak 39:12
And you have people that kind of from the salesperson or the employee level, that kind of push back and go away, wait, you know, I don’t, you know, they’re afraid of being analyzed or being reevaluated in a way outside of their job or anything like that.
Tammy Ebright 39:28
I have not had that now. That I have had. So I’d love when I can get even some operation people and when I’m doing the training so that I can help the team to understand their support staff and how to better communicate with the support staff. And so I’ve had to where the support staff may not have been all excited about putting that into their schedule to you know, to take 30 minutes to take the test. salespeople tend to be open to understanding themselves so that they can win more deal more.
Tim Kubiak 40:07
Yeah, yeah, they’re the easiest person to sell to as a salesperson. Right?
Tammy Ebright 40:12
Yeah. And you know, they want to get better. You know, and this helps you get better and understand how to understand your your audience in a better way.
Tim Kubiak 40:23
Yeah, yeah. And so, what, what other advice can you offer? If people are really thinking about how do I understand myself better? How do I understand my teams better? We’ve talked about this, we’ve talked about you, I know, you probably do some other things that we haven’t gotten to yet. So I’m trying to draw those out.
Tammy Ebright 40:42
Okay. So I do have, I actually have five different sciences, well, five different mainstream sciences. And then I do another science that’s called Human Design, which is a little more on the woowoo side, who I don’t know about that. Talking about that today. But it’s a pretty interesting one that I’m right now gathering data, and then looking at the sciences side by side to really see how when it’s based on astrology, and our birth charts and things like that, on how how close we are to where where we were as a child, and how much we’ve been conditioned to be different. And so that’s one, one thing. And one of the other sciences that you didn’t see is called acumen, which is clarity of thoughts. And so it shows really shows in six different ways, your worldview and your self view on how you look at systems and people and, you know, in the world around us, and how, how much clarity do you have in your mind on this. And I think that that’s, that’s my newest certification. And it’s pretty interesting, you only take a test that you organize 18 statements twice, from most, most important down to least important. And then it comes up with this report and shows how clear clear your thoughts are, and the person that developed it. And Robert Hartman won a Nobel Nobel Peace Prize for this work. And I got a really fascinating story. And then core competencies, so your 25, soft skills that really show you how great of a leader you are, and you know how much resiliency you have. And keep in mind that this is all self, you know, you’re taking all this stuff, and you’re analyzing yourself. But typically, the results come back really pretty, pretty accurate. And what I can do is take all this information and put it into a custom,
like development plan to help people to really hone their skills.
Tim Kubiak 42:59
To me, it sounds like a different approach to 360 review on an individual.
Tammy Ebright 43:04
And I can do 360 reviews through my assessment provider. I’ve only done that once. But yeah.
Tim Kubiak 43:12
I’ve been reviewed. I’ve reviewed many it’s interesting.
Tammy Ebright 43:16
Interesting, interesting process for sure.
Tim Kubiak 43:19
It is it is and it’s interesting how you’re in my case perceived at different levels.
Tammy Ebright 43:24
Mm hmm. eye opening. Yeah.
Tim Kubiak 43:28
Yeah, that is Yeah. Well, to me, thank you so much for the time thanks for being here today. We’ve got links to unleash your amazing in the show notes for anybody who’s listening and wants to check out and learn more. Is there anywhere else they should get in touch with you?
Tammy Ebright 43:44
You know, I’m on social media can look me up on LinkedIn, Facebook, Timmy bright.
Tim Kubiak 43:50
Fantastic. Thanks for your time.
Tammy Ebright 43:52
Okay, thank you, Tim.