Tag: Sales Training

We offer a variety of sales training viewpoints, approaches, and methodologies. Sales Coach and Mentor Tim Kubiak often discuss his approach of establishing best practices, planning, and platforms.

Adding to the mix is a combination of guests who have written popular books, are sought after coaches and consultants, business owners, execs, and leaders all of which share their own experiences, and successes.

Sales Training is a multi-billion dollar business bringing the best sales leaders, authors, trainers, who work with sales professionals and companies

Authentic Selling with Jason Cutter

Not all salespeople are the same. In the book Authentic Selling Jason Cutter, CEO of Cutter Consulting Group shares the concept behind the Authentic Selling Approach and sees himself as a sales success architect for companies and individuals.

Get the Highlight and Show Notes, Watch the video, and be sure to subscribe to the weekly sales leader.

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Overcoming Objections When Entering a New Market

No one has experience in every situation. Overcoming Objections When Entering a New Market is something most sales professionals face at one point or another in their career. This episode talks through the sales challenges of expanding…

Subscribe to the show on Apple PodcastsSpotify, and Google Podcasts.

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Selling Over the Phone Training for Remote Workers

Hope everyone is safe and well and given the circumstances business is good. Given a number of my clients and friends have been impacted by having their sales teams begin to work remotely. On Monday we did a super quick live selling over the phone training that built on the Phone Sales Skills post from last week and then quickly covered listening skills and best practices for leaving a voicemail .

Listening Skills Phone Selling Over the Phone

Generally speaking the stereo type fits for many people not just sales professionals. We talk too much and listen too little. One Mouth Two Ears. Sure there should be interactive two way dialogue and naturally flowing conversation. So in short your role is not to perform a soliloquy nor should your questions reassemble and interrogation from Law and Order.

  • Ask a Question and Shut Up. Being direct let the customer speak,
  • Respond if the Customer Ask a Question
  • It’s Not About You – Make it About the Customer’s Needs.
  • Question, Clarify, Paraphrase and Repeat
  • Using Mute as Your Super Power
  • Active Note Taking

The Art of the Voicemail

Voicemail when used correctly can be a powerful tool to engage current customers, make your name recognizable to prospects and new contacts, and occasional get a call back.

  • Script vs. Talking Points
  • Slow Your Speech Pattern Down to get the Best Results
  • Get to the Point Don’t babble on about nothing
  • Ask for an Action or Response
  • Repeat your Name
  • Leave Your Call Back Number Twice

Whenever you’re ready… here are 5 ways I can help you grow your sales:

1. Register for and watch my free webinar on Opportunity Management.

It will give you three things you can use today to begin transforming your business and close sales faster. Learn how to identify your best opportunities. Know Who the Decision makers are, and what their buying criteria is. — Click Here

2. Subscribe to my “Weekly Sales Leader Newsletter” – Click Here

  • Join the Bowties and Business Facebook Group to connect with other Sales Professionals and business owners that are focused on growing their careers, businesses, and sales too.

It’s our new Facebook community where top performers learn to Accelerate Sales, Compete Harder, and Exit Time Wasters. — Click Here

  • Join our Sales Coaching and Opportunity Management Program and be a Case Study

I’ve put together a new coaching case study group. Not only is it live training and coaching led by me and my team but It’s based on the exact program we have been using with corporate clients and our teams. If you’d like to work with me on growing your business to a new level… just send me a message with the words “Case Study”. — Click Here

5. Work with me and my team privately

If you run a team or own a business and would like to talk about how to transform their performance or how we can help to grow your business… just send me a message with the word “Team”.  Tell me a little about your business and what you’d like to work on together. It’s easy just follow the link to set up a 30 minute call and get I’ll you all the details — Book a Meeting with Tim!

CRM Short Comings – What Your CRM isn’t Telling You With Steve Urell Episode #6

“CRM Short Comings – What Your CRM isn’t Telling You”. It takes on the age-old question of pipeline, forecast, and commit as debated in sales meetings. Your Customer Relationship Management Systems are powerful tools for collecting contacts, and managing opportunities, and looking at general pipeline information.  Despite that, they do leave gaps in salespeople and business leaders’ knowledge.

Steve’s approach to Sales Opportunity Management means you can go from “what you think you know” to “what you actually know” Moving from fiction to fact when it comes to your best opportunities to win business and competitive position.

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Planning a Better Sales Call Episode #2

Regardless of your role, here are 7 strategies for Planning a Better Sales Call that will help anyone who is participating in a meeting be more actively and effectively involved. No matter who it is or what their role within the business is everyone from Sales, Customer Service, and Customer Satisfaction is a valuable part of the team. Business is a team sport and nobody wants to “win” just a participation trophy. Of course as usual there is expanded bonus content for Planning a Better Sales Call for those of you who really want to make the most of every customer facing opportunity and stand out against the competition.

Subscribe to the Podcast on Apple, Spotify, Overcast and other popular podcast applications.