Becoming Digital Era Leaders with Charles Araujo

“Becoming Digital Era Leaders” today’s topic is for line of business execs as well as IT pros involved in Digital Transformation with Charles Araujo. We explore the impact of Digital Transformation, Customer Experience, and the way forward for business and not just tech.

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Charles Araujo is a technology analyst and internationally recognized authority on the Digital Enterprise and Leadership in the Digital Era who advises technology companies and enterprise leaders on how to navigate the transition from the Industrial Age to the Digital Era. Having spent over thirty years in the technology industry, he has been researching Digital Transformation long before it became the uber-buzzword of today, and is now focused on helping Digital Era Leaders prepare themselves and their organizations as the macro trends of the primacy of the customer and the primacy of the algorithm collide, ushering us into what he calls The New Human Age.

Principal Analyst with Intellyx, founder of The Institute for Digital Transformation, author of three books, and most recently the co-founder (with his wife) of The MAPS Institute, he is a sought-after keynote speaker and has been quoted or published in CIO, Time, InformationWeek, CIO Insight, NetworkWorld, Computerworld, USA Today, and Forbes.

Background Questions

I heard in an intro for you once that you started in Technology with a screwdriver and a commodore 64. You have an impressive background but was the first steps into technology as a profession for you?

Was there are logical progression in you career or an big bang moment when everything changed?

Digital Transformation Primer for Non Technical Business People

We all love to throw around buzzwords but if I’m a line of business manager or executive and someone states “It’s part of our digital transformation” what does that actually mean?

Charles You’re a hardcore process guy. How would experts in their own areas of the business best interface with someone with your skill sets?

What do do nearly 70% of digital transformation projects fail? (Question has been derived from the Igrafx UNCOVERING THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN TRANSFORMATIONAND PROCESS MANAGEMENT report / Chart on Page 7)

Often the emperor has not clothes and no one speaks up. As a business leader what tangible outcomes should be able to be driven as part of DT project?

Technology and Shifting Market Conditions

How does “Digital Transformation” and “Customer Experience” intersect?

With the pandemic we have seen a shift in where and how people work. Is this a trend you expect will continue?

Has the pandemic delayed or accelerated companies digital transformations?

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