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10 Keys to Success

10 Things you can do to help make you more Successful regardless of your job. Tim share’s his personal experiences and talks through the benefits of applying them to your situation and life. All of which your parents would (probably) approve of and all of which you have the ability to control.

Planning a Better Sales Call Episode #2

Regardless of your role, here are 7 strategies for Planning a Better Sales Call that will help anyone who is participating in a meeting be more actively and effectively involved. No matter who it is or what their role within the business is everyone from Sales, Customer Service, and Customer Satisfaction is a valuable part of the team. Business is a team sport and nobody wants to “win” just a participation trophy. Of course as usual there is expanded bonus content for Planning a Better Sales Call for those of you who really want to make the most of every customer facing opportunity and stand out against the competition.

Subscribe to the Podcast on Apple, Spotify, Overcast and other popular podcast applications.

What’s With the Bowtie Nerd? Episode #1

“What’s with the Bowtie Nerd” is an informal introduction to our Very own Bowtie Nerd Tim Kubiak along with the kinds of actionable information, business advice, and tips to look forward to in upcoming podcast episodes And of course he answers the age old question of “why the bowtie nerd?” Join us in this 7 minute episode, which impressively has been called the quickest story he’s ever told!

If you like what you heard you can subscribe on iTunes and Spotify, If you are a social type and want to be kept up with all the latest happenings there is an Instagram, Twitter, and a Facebook Group.